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Dissecting some recent New York Time’s propagandist cheerleading on the fiscal cliff deal as “progressive taxation”, Yves Smith calls it as it is – ‘A Big Lie’. Her article appears in the NYT Examiner which is a site dedicated to analyzing the corporate spin of the New York Times.

Here’s an excerpt:

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The Matt Taibbi piece she links to is also worth your time to read.

When you have an economic system that rewards those who can most effectively exploit society and the environment, then psychopaths invariably rise to the top of the socio-economic heap. That’s why Obama has no hesitation in carrying out extrajudicial assassinations, or that former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo lead the charge on profiteering from sub-prime mortgages, or that BP CEO Tony Hayward can set off an epic ecocide in the Gulf of Mexico and call it “tiny” and then complain that he “wants his life back.” The book ‘The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success’ lists the top four jobs for psychopaths as:

1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (TV/radio)
4. Salesperson

I can’t believe that politicians didn’t even make it into the top ten.

Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths,” says clinical psychologist and author Dr. Martha Stout…”I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this,” Stout continued. “That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow — but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.” – link

But since America is a corporation or corporatocracy, essentially captured 100% by business interests, you can interchange the number one spot of CEO for the POTUS. Corporations write the legislation through bought-off politicians, control public opinion through mainstream media and policy institutions, degrade the education system into a conveyor belt of unthinking corporate drones for a life of corporate consumerism, and manipulate society through all other levers of power while crushing any uprisings with its panoptic security/surveillance apparatus.

In the video below, Chris Hedges talks about sacrifice zones like mountain top removal for coal in West Virginia, but knowing what we know about the state of the biosphere, in particular climate change and ocean acidification, we can say that the entire planet will soon be one big sacrifice zone. The “rapacious, immoral elites” are on track to take the entire planet down. What makes this oppressive system so immovable is that everyone is a participant, whether by choice or not. 

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