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Continuing on the subject of inequality, or more aptly ‘gross’ inequality, I’d like to post the following documentary which came out a couple of months ago. My reaction to it is the same as it was then… shocking.

It is class warfare, and the 1% are kicking our ass. There’s no other responsible way to frame the debate so as to assuage the delicate sensibilities of those doing the exploiting while they look askance at the devastation from their perch of privileged class status and power. They may say they are just playing by the rules of the game, but they set the rules by controlling legislation and the levers of power under which the rest of us voiceless plebs must live.

For a look into the social destruction this economy of, for, and by the 1% has wrought on the rest of humanity, watch the video:


In reference to my previous post, If Nick Hanauer has the resources to pull strings and get his message out, more power to him. His message is made even more persuasive when it’s coming from someone of the 1%. Additionally, he mentions the moral component of his argument which also adds strength of character to his words. You never hear someone of his class talking about the ethics and morality of our rapacious system.

Paul in the UK, whose side are you on? TED is a Big Boy and he can take care of himself.

If they[TED] don’t want to be seen as a vector for their blue chip CEO delegates to muscle in on new ideas in the hope of preserving their corporate interest and would prefer to be perceived as a force for change rather than a cult, then they need to take themselves in hand.

In all honesty, I don’t see it happening of course. TED events are coming to resemble Old Time Religion revivals more than anything else.

Andrew Spong

As you can see from this interactive map at Slate, the number of Americans falling into poverty across the country is increasing, but it’s even worse than what’s depicted(see below):

hat tip: poverty trends

Slate‘s new map of the week plots the U.S. poverty rate by county with data from 2007 to 2010. At first, it reveals a straightforward story: The Great Recession made poverty worse. Everywhere.

As bad as the picture looks, though, it’s actually a rosy rendition.

Here’s the problem: The way poverty is measured is outdated and based on faulty assumptions…. read more